Research Archive

Writing Politics

We need to talk about writing. Doing politics differently must mean writing politics differently, and 'writing politics' is a collective exploration of how that might work... Most of us work in policy, politics, sociology, law or IR, and we’re committed to teaching as...

Doing Politics

is now free to access at I want to write about politics as something people do, to describe a politics grounded in human action and interaction – in the gathering and meeting, talking and writing of embodied and situated human beings…

What do policy makers really do?

The question is important because making policy engages a great number of people one way or another, and what they do they might do well or badly.  Our standard answers are rather hazy, not least because policy making entails such great numbers of people doing a great...

Good Vibrations

Nice citations, at least, if not ex-citations.  Like lots of us, I guess, most of what I've written appears again (if it appears at all) as a name and number, person and date inserted in someone else's argument, to be read as simple ciphers for the complex body of...

PhD honoris causa

Awarded the degree of PhD honoris causa by the University of Liège, 19 March 2016. It's a tremendous personal honour, but also recognition of a longstanding, exciting collaboration with members of the Centre de Recherches et Interventions Sociologiques (CRIS).

Knowing Governance

Knowing Governance. The epistemic construction of political order is edited by Jan-Peter Voß and Richard Freeman, and sets out to understand governance through the design and making of its models and instruments. What kinds of knowledge do they require and...

Doing Politics in Translation

was the title of the 14th Kåte Hamburger lecture given at the Centre for Global Cooperation in Duisburg in October... How does politics happen? When we do politics, what are we doing? In answering this question, I return to Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition, to her...

Doing Democracy

was a panel Darcy Leigh organized at this year's Policy & Politics conference, with additional papers by Oliver Escobar, Deborah Holman and Sophie Thunus... What is democracy made of? How is it done? It is an idea and a set of institutions, to be sure, but what...

‘Doing Politics’

was given as an inaugural lecture on 4 February 2015... How does politics happen? When we do politics, what are we doing? In this lecture, I want to show how we might understand politics as action, as a mode of doing. Drawing on the sociology of interaction, I develop...

A New Politics of Knowledge

announced Palgrave Studies in Science, Knowledge and Policy on the LSE's Impact blog... Kat Smith and Richard Freeman argue it’s time to start bringing together the diverse and innovative thinking around the complex relationships between science, knowledge and policy....

Europe’s spaces of action

What do we imagine when we imagine Europe and the European Union? What unacknowledged assumptions do we hold? In Governing Europe’s Spaces, we re-imagine Europe as a space of action. We elaborate our concept of space – physical, symbolic, peopled, bordered, multiple...

Critical Comparison

'For a (self-)critical comparison', written with Eric Mangez, appeared in Critical Policy Studies in summer 2013... This paper reflects on the design and organization of cross-national comparative research in social and public policy, based in our own experience of...

Representing Practice

is the title of a panel at the conference on Interpretive Policy Analysis in Vienna in July 2013... A sense of practice has always been central to critical and interpretive policy studies, both as a theoretical construct and as an object of inquiry. Much work has been...

nef’s Prevention Papers

cite Richard Freeman's early work in seeking to renew an agenda for prevention in social and public policy... Ian Gough's 'Understanding prevention policy', written for the new economics foundation, begins by noting the relative absence of any theory of prevention in...

‘Aaron, why only sometimes?’

pointed to the relevance of Wildavsky's work for practice-based approaches to policy studies... The paper, given to the Interpretive Policy Analysis conference in Tilburg in July 2012, began by citing a passage from Craftways: 'The imposition of order on recalcitrant...

Evidence, policy – and practice

Richard Freeman, Steven Griggs and Annette Boaz edited a recent special issue of Evidence and Policy on the practice of policy making... Both evidence and policy - separately and together - derive meaning from an implied other, third term: that of practice. Evidence...

Classics of Community Psychiatry

has just been published by Oxford. Introduced by Richard Freeman and Michael Rowe, it is an innovative collection of written material on mental health work outside the hospital... Classics of Community Psychiatry is the first volume to examine the course of the...

KNOWandPOL reports

Empirical work on the KNOWandPOL project is now complete. Reports on aspects of mental health policy in Scotland and in Europe are free to download... The EC-funded Integrated Project KNOWandPOL is concerned with the way different kinds of knowledge are mobilised in...

Children and Society

Past and present editors of Children and Society have included Richard Freeman's 'Recursive politics: prevention, modernity and social systems' in a commemorative special issue to mark 25 years of the journal... This paper was first published in 1999, and is derived...

Edinburgh-Bremen-Milan workshop

Doctoral students and research fellows working on health policy in Edinburgh, Bremen and Milan met in Bremen for a workshop on Friday and Saturday, 18-19 June 2010... Doctoral students and research fellows working on health policy in Edinburgh, Bremen and Milan met in...

Hanse Fellowship, Bremen

An extended fellowship at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study has made it possible to work with a comparative health policy group at the University of Bremen. See the write-up on <a...

Classifying health systems

Richard Freeman and Lorraine Frisina's 'Health care systems and the problem of classification' has now appeared in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis... Classification is integral to comparison. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the nature, purpose and...

Policy as Practice

What is it that policy makers do when they make policy? What kinds of activity does policy making entail? This seminar series hosted by the Universities of Birmingham and Edinburgh, with APSE (the Association for Public Service Excellence), was funded by ESRC. So what...

Policy as Practice at IPA 2010

Last year's Interpretive Policy Analysis conference (Grenoble, 23-25 June 2010) included two panels on 'Policy as Practice'... We know little of the way policy-makers work, of what they actually do when they make policy. Our starting point in this panel is therefore...

What is translation?

A new paper in Evidence and Policy discusses this key concept in knowledge transfer and exchange... What is 'translation', and how might it help us think differently about knowledge transfer and exchange? The purpose of this article is to set out, for policy makers...

KNOWandPOL reports

Reports on our study of WHO Europe's initiatives in mental health policy are now complete. A separate document on the role of international organizations in regulation compares WHO's work with OECD's PISA programme in education.Freeman, R Smith-Merry, J, and Sturdy, S...