I teach generic, compulsory courses as well as specialist options, and I do a lot of supervision. It’s almost always practice-oriented but theory-led.
Teaching is about showing, not telling; about giving students and others things to think with rather than things to know. And if our teaching is to be genuinely practice-oriented, working with case studies and doing projects and placements are essential.
But practice is not just what people do: it’s also how they think, and the point is to keep thinking and doing in balance. At least part of this thinking should be critical and sociological, which means that social theory should be a key resource for students and practitioners alike.
Doing Politics: research, teaching and practice
For a meeting of the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, 19 November 2018... The aim of this presentation is simply to set out a framework for studying 'doing politics', and to discuss ways of using it in teaching as well as other kinds of...
Gastprofessur in Vienna
Visiting Professor in the Department of Politics, University of Vienna, 2018-2019, teaching courses in Making Policy, Doing Comparison and Doing Politics and Making Policy at Bachelor's and Master's levels respectively... BAK 13: Making policy, doing...
Teaching politics after the practice turn
The ‘practice turn’ and its associated ontology, epistemology and methodology are now well established in political research. In this article, we identify and explore a corollary pedagogy. After outlining the principal components of practice theory, we compare case-...
Political Work
leads the teaching component of the Doing Politics project, and was taught for the first time as an undergraduate option in 2014-2015…
Policy in Action: case studies
You’ve just joined a government department with responsibility for a key policy domain. There’s an election due in a couple of months, and your team has been asked to supply a briefing for the incoming minister…
Data Collection
Research Skills in the Social Sciences: Data Collection is concerned with the techniques and practices of doing empirical research. It's a team-taught research training course in the Graduate School, and develops professional competence in gathering information by...